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Planning Board Minutes 11/05/07
Office of the Planning Board
7 Sawmill Road
Greenfield, NH 03047

Meeting Minutes For November 5, 2007

Start of Meeting and Members Present

The meeting opened at 7:04 pm, with members Carrara, Halper, Morris, Mitchell present. Member Mitchell was designated to take member Borden’s seat. This meeting is not a regularly scheduled meeting.

Minutes Taker Position

Consideration of hiring Kathy Carpenter as minute taker.  Halper moves to hire, Morris seconds. Discuss wages at $13.00/hour. Call for vote. All in favor. Motion passes.

Application from Kathy Carpenter.
List of  Greenfield Building Permits.
Letter to John Haithcock from the ZBA.
Application for Site Plan Review from Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church, formally submitted.
Fax from Upton and Hatfield  regarding two cases from Supreme Court.
Application for Site Plan Review for Lyris Inc. (9 Bedroom Residential Home), formally submitted.

Member O’Connell arrives at 7:15 pm.

Public Hearing for CIP (Capital Improvements Program)

The agenda item and public hearing started at 7:18 pm. Procedures were read by Carrara, a sign-in sheet was circulated.

Halper gave a presentation of the CIP. Some information was department specific and some was general. There was an open forum during the presentation for questions, comments, and discussion.

Mary Ann Grant speaks for the Library, Duffy Fox speaks for the Highway Department, the Board in general speaks about how best to get the intent of the CIP out to the townspeople.

Public Hearing for Driveway Permits and Regulations

The agenda item and public hearing started at 9:10 pm. The same sign-in sheet applies. The Board is planning to move the driveway regulations out of the subdivision regulations into its own regulation, because the regulations apply to all driveways.

Discussion regarding Laura Tashjian’s (property owner) driveway(lot R9-18-5).   
The Board will consider the Tashjian driveway location change on an individual basis, looking at the plat.  Laura Tashjian comments and asks questions.

Peter Hopkins and Duffy Fox, designees of the Board for driveway matters, request that the Board votes on the change to the Tashjian driveway based on their recommendation. Mitchell moves to approve the driveway relocation from Old Lyndeborough Mountain Road to Holden Road as recommended by Peter Hopkins and Duffy Fox.  Motion is seconded by Halper. No Discussion. All in favor. The motion is passed.

Carrara read suggestions for the updated regulations, the Board discusses. The Board discussed individual regulations. Carrara will update the proposed changes and email to Board and Deb to put on Town web site.
ZBA Application for Appeal for Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church  

The agenda item started at 11:37 pm. The ZBA is asking the Board for comment. The Board has no drawings and cannot comment at this time.

End of Meeting

Halper moves to adjourn at 11:43 pm. Morris seconds. All in favor.